Saturday, November 16, 2013

Tutorial 3

5. By providing examples explain how Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs relates to a student’s motivation to study well.

In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs there are two types of needs. They are Deficit needs and being needs. Deficit needs are prior to the being needs and reappear at any age depending on the circumstances. Deficit needs includes the physiological needs, safety and security needs and love and belonging needs. Being needs include aesthetic needs and self- actualization needs. Both the types of needs contribute very much to the motivation of the students to study well. For example a student who does not get enough food to eat and who is hungry all the time will not be able to concentrate on the studies. Also that particular student will feel weak and will not be able to participate in the activities. (physiological needs). When the physiological needs are met then the safety and security needs become important. If these are not met then again the student will feel less motivated. For example a student who gets enough food to eat yet gets abused at home will not be motivated as the student will be more worried about the personal safety. After the safety and security need are met then the love and belonging needs arise. This consists of making friends, being a friend and developing personal relationships.  If a good relationship is not built with peers then less motivation will be felt towards studying. When the above 3 needs (deficit needs) are fulfilled then comes the being needs. In here the desire for knowledge and understanding, a desire for appreciation of beauty and order (aesthetic needs) also the desire for fulfillment of one’s potential (self- actualization needs) becomes important.  If this desire is not there then the knowledge gained will be less and the level of being appreciated will be less also the work done to reach to the one’s potential will be less leading to being less motivated to study well.

9. Explain why morality is a concern for students at school. Provide examples.

Morality is a very big concern for students in schools because; a lot of students at a very early age give into crimes and other problems. In addition to this, there are suicides and under-age pregnancy cases due to morality being weak in students. Therefore, the schools need to implement rules and practices that increase the level of morality within the students. For example, in most western countries, students at a very early age are attending schools of mixed genders. In these communities, sex is an image which is practiced openly. In such communities, juvenile sex and under-age pregnancy are very common. Hence, this is a very big concern and has to be addressed within schools.