Discussion question no 2


What do you understand from this quote?


  1. i understood if we teach to children we have to be very careful that they can understand what we are teaching to them.

  2. when you teach something to your child you must give chances them to think and discover things by their own. If not they will never get a chance to think about it by them self.

  3. yep..its not only about us teaching. we have give them chances to explore too..but why is it said that it is better to let them explore and learn? how is it different from learning through sombody's explanation?

  4. like guide the children to take good decision or telling them the good or bad things.

  5. you mean let them explore and guide them...if so why do you think that method is better compared to make them sit and listen to the lectures?

  6. they will understand it much better and will remember it for a longer period of time
